Brand - United Nations
Treaty Series: Treaties and International Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations Vol 1807 1994 I Nos (Treaty)
EAN 9780119418682 39.45 USD -
STAT YEARBK LA & CARIB 1997 (Anuario Estadistico De America Latina Y El Cariibe/Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean)
EAN 9789210210379 128.61 USD -
Guidelines for Improving Tax Administration in Developing Countries: Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Tax Administration and Strengthening Domestic Financial Resource Mobilization
EAN 9789211231243 -
Official Records
EAN 9780119098655 4.45 USD -
Rapport Sur Le Commerce It Le Developpement, 2010: Emploi, Mondialisation et Développment (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) (French Edition)
EAN 9789212123882 54.42 USD -
Manuel sur les Réponses Policières Efficaces à la Violence Envers les Femmes (Criminal Justice Handbook Series) (French Edition)
EAN 9789212302799 -
Globalization and Liberalization: The Impact on Developing Countries: The Macro-Economy of Development, No. 4 (Serie Macroeconomia Del Desarrollo)
EAN 9789211213133 -
Globalization and Liberalization: Effects of International Economic Relations on Poverty : Inter-Agency Thematic Contribution to the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty
EAN 9789211124200 20.02 USD -
Report of the International Court of Justice
EAN 9780119091984 6.43 USD -
Daddy You Can Save the Planet! a Colouring Book for Kids Who Want to Educate Their Parents (English and Multilingual Edition)
EAN 9789210017855 -
Building E-community Centres for Rural Development: Report of the Regional Workshop (Bali, Indonesia, 8-14 December 2004)
EAN 9789211204308 40.27 USD -
Crime Trends and Criminal Justice Operations at the Regional and Interregional Levels: Results of the 3rd United Nations Survey of Crime Trends, ... Systems and Crime Prevention Strategies
EAN 9789211301595 17.56 USD -
Treaty Series: Treaties and International Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations Vol 1471 1987 I Nos (Treaty)
EAN 9780119413885 37.86 USD -
Sistema Globalmente Armonizado De Clasificacion Y Etiquetado De Productos Quimicos (sga) Tercera Edicion Revisada (Economic Commission for Europe) (Spanish Edition)
EAN 9789213160107