Brand - Oxford University Press USA
Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race
EAN 9780195137118 36.69 USD -
Mild Head Injury
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A Handbook of Literary Feminisms
EAN 9780195102062 57.42 USD -
Urban Development: Theory, Fact, and Illusion
EAN 9780195069020 48.18 USD -
Her Share of the Blessings: Women"s Religions among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World (Oxford Paperbacks)
EAN 9780195086706 26.03 USD -
Soil Water Dynamics
EAN 9780195126051 113.17 USD -
The Art of Performance
EAN 9780195151510 37.47 USD -
Bebop: The Music and Its Players
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Modern Trinitarian Perspectives
EAN 9780195088991 58.13 USD -
The Implosion of American Federalism
EAN 9780195158410 25.74 USD -
Memory and Brain
EAN 9780195042085 51.30 USD -
Selected Poems
EAN 9780195165470 37.06 USD -
Warrant: The Current Debate
EAN 9780195078626 40.46 USD -
Essays in Quasi-Realism
EAN 9780195082241 39.42 USD