Brand - Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc
Promoting Democracy in Postconflict Societies
EAN 9781588264220 23.13 USD -
The Caribbean in the Global Political Economy
EAN 9781555874087 29.98 USD -
Rights and Reconciliation: UN Strategies in El Salvador (International Peace Academy Occasional Paper Series)
EAN 9781555876159 -
Health Care Reform in Central America: Ngo-Government Collaboration in Guatemala and El Salvador
EAN 9781574541229 41.26 USD -
Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality
EAN 9781555877941 23.09 USD -
The New International Studies Classroom: Active Teaching, Active Learning
EAN 9781555878894 29.11 USD -
Citizen Power, Politics, And The "Asian Miracle": Reassessing The Dynamics
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Understanding Contemporary India
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Agricultural Risk Management
EAN 9781555871697 -
Contemporary Regulatory Policy
EAN 9781588264114 29.48 USD -
Promoting Democracy in Postconflict Societies
EAN 9781588264466 49.92 USD -
The Anthropology of Peace and Nonviolence
EAN 9781555874247 67.89 USD -
Biological Warfare: Modern Offense and Defense
EAN 9781555877613 67.50 USD -
The Cheapest Nights
EAN 9780894106668