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The second century of Good thoughts in bad times Consisting of personall meditations. Scripture observations. Meditations on the times. Meditations on ... meditations. By Tho. Fuller. B.D. (1647)
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Perkins 1639 a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1639, being the third after the bissextile or leape-yeere, and from the ... meridian of the famous city of London (1639)
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Discursus academicus de theologia comparativa Argumento ut rarissimo, sic quoq; omnibus qui in vera theologia instrui cupiunt pernecessario. (1699) (Latin Edition)
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The worthy communicant: or, A discourse of the nature, effects, and blessings, consequent to the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper and of all the ... in order to a worthy preparation (1678)
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Moses and Aaron, or, The rights of church and state containing two disputations: the former concerning the church, in which are examined the ... with truth and peace demonstrated (1661)
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Restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities, concerning the most noble and renowned English nation by the study and travel of R.V. (1673)
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Iniunctions geven by the Quenes Maiestie anno Domini MD.LIX., the fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth. (1559)
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All in all ... by Samuell Ward. (1627)
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Conciones duae vna inscripta, pax liliana; altera, columba Ecclesiae: ad pacem Ecclesiae seruandam tuendamque: authore, Petro Lilio doctissimo & ... Cantabrigiensi. (1619) (Latin Edition)
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