Brand - Proquest, Eebo Editions
A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London at Bow-Church on the 29th of May 1682. (1682)
EAN 9781240849765 14.72 USD -
Speculum perspicuum Uranicum, or, An almanack for the year of Christ 1683 being the third after the bissextile or leap-year and from the creation of the world 5632 years (1683)
EAN 9781171249344 16.20 USD -
Dr. Bentley"s Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and the Fables of AEsop, examin"d by the honourable Charles Boyle, Esq. (1699)
EAN 9781240856732 26.75 USD -
The fraternitie of vacabondes as well of ruflyng vacabondes, as of beggerly, of women as of men, of gyrles as of boyes, with their proper names and ... company of cosoners and shifters (1603)
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A guide to salvation, or, The way to eternal bliss being a collection of meditations and prayers suited to the exercise of a devout Christian / by P. Lorrain. (1693)
EAN 9781240946235 20.68 USD -
The Christians daily sacrifice duly offer"d, or, A practical discourse teaching the right performance of prayer by Lancelot Addison. (1698)
EAN 9781240421824 19.68 USD -
Rinaldo and Armida a Tragedy, as It Is Acted at the Theatre in Little-Lincoln"s-Inn-Fields / Written by Mr. Dennis. (1699) (Paperback) - Common
EAN 880225269921 -
Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea an account of a statical hygroscope and its uses: together with an appendix about the ... and preternatural state of bodies (1674)
EAN 9781240948338 22.17 USD -
A letter to a lady furnishing her with Scripture testimonies against the principal points and doctrines of popery (1688)
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Cantus [Altus, Tenor, Bassus, Quintus] madrigales to 3, 4, and 5 parts: apt for viols and voices / newly composed by Michael Este. (1604)
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A sermon setting forth the duties of the Irish Protestants arising from the Irish Rebellion, 1641 and the Irish tyranny, 1688, &: preached ... October ... Edward, Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. (1692)
EAN 9781240799367 14.72 USD -
The character of a Williamite being the reverse of a late unlicens"d treatise, entituled, The character of a Jacobite, by what name or title soever ... / written by a person of quality. (1690)
EAN 9781171258728 14.63 USD -
Reformation or, The progress thereof in some foot-steps of it in the congregational way of churches in England from the year 1640. In three treatises, ... brethren. The confession of faith (1659)
EAN 9781171336044 14.41 USD -
A defence of Dr. Sherlock"s Preservative against popery in reply to a Jesuits answer wherein the R. Father"s reasonings are fully confuted / William Giles ... (1688)
EAN 9781240784370 15.41 USD