Brand - Emerald Group Pub
Accountability Theory Meets Accountability Practice
EAN 9781780520544 108.01 USD -
Japanese Urban Environment
EAN 9780080433592 101.72 USD -
English Language and The Medical Profession: Instructing and Assessing The Communication Skills of International Physicians (Innovation And Leadership In English Language Teaching)
EAN 9781780523842 126.37 USD -
Delivering Sustainable Transport
EAN 9780080440224 122.07 USD -
Travel Behaviour Research
EAN 9780080439242 218.31 USD -
Semantic and Pragmatic Issues in Discourse and Dialogue (Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface) (Current Research in the ... in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, V. 9)
EAN 9780080439433 96.41 USD -
Research in Economic History
EAN 9781780522463 105.24 USD -
Review of Marketing Research
EAN 9780857244758 108.89 USD -
A Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Eurasia, Middle East and Africa (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought)
EAN 9780857248152 115.11 USD -
Emotion in Health-Care Organization
EAN 9781845447496 66.66 USD -
Advances in Taxation
EAN 9781559383769 99.19 USD -
Commercial Diplomacy and International Business: A Conceptual and Empirical Exploration (Advanced Series in Management)
EAN 9781780526744 163.56 USD -
Rethinking Misbehavior and Resistance in Organizations: 19 (Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations)
EAN 9781780526621 166.31 USD -
Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice)
EAN 9781780529806 191.00 USD