Brand - Emerald Group Pub
Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management)
EAN 9780857244857 153.53 USD -
Fertility Dynamics: Spacing and Timing of Births in Sweden and the United States (Contributions to Economic Analysis 229)
EAN 9780444821324 135.00 USD -
Research in Community and Mental Health, Volume 1
EAN 9780892320639 99.58 USD -
Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice (Advanced Series in Management)
EAN 9781848558328 119.75 USD -
Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization)
EAN 9780857247575 145.31 USD -
Missing Data Methods: Cross-Sectional Methods and Applications (Advances in Econometrics, Volume 27A)
EAN 9781780525242 126.56 USD -
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management)
EAN 9780857248671 141.65 USD -
Linking Environment, Democracy and Gender (Research in Political Sociology)
EAN 9781781903377 105.39 USD -
Computer Assisted Learning: Selected Contributions from the CAL 95 Symposium, 10-13 April 1995, University of Cambridge
EAN 9780080427744 142.95 USD -
Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 2 (Advances in Global Leadership)
EAN 9780762307234 117.30 USD -
Management Consulting Practice in Intellectual Capital
EAN 9781845448431 56.46 USD -
East Meets West (Actions and Insights - Middle East North Africa)
EAN 9781781904138 47.98 USD -
Modern Mass Tourism (Tourism Social Science Series) (Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility)
EAN 9781848552388 145.45 USD -
Doing Business in a Digital World
EAN 9781845443252 66.17 USD