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The Methodist Review (Volume 88)
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Physical Expression; Its Modes and Principles
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An Index to Matter Pertaining to Sewerage and Sewage Disposal in Volumes V-XVII (December 1881-June 1888) of the Engineering
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Memories of a Man of Letters Atrists Wives, Etc
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Old People and the Things That Pass
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Out with Gun and Camera
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The Modern Practice of Boiler Engineering; Containing Observations on the Construction of Steam Boilers; And Upon Furnances Used for Smoke
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The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Samuel Daniel, Ed. with Intro., Notes and Illustr. by A.B. Grosart
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Agnes Morton
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The Life of the REV. Thomas Scott, D. D., Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks; Including a Narrative Drawn Up by Himself, and Copious Extracts of
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Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century (Volume 3); Comprizing Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer, Printer, F. S. A., and Many of His
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English Contemporary Art
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Passions Subdued
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A Philosophical System of Theistic Idealism
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