Brand - RAND
The Effects of a Choice Auto Insurance Plan on Insurance Costs
EAN 9780833016416 -
Postmobilization Training Resource Requirements: Army National Guard Heavy Enhanced Brigades
EAN 9780833023797 16.66 USD -
Army Air and Missile Defense: Future Challenges
EAN 9780833029966 -
Benchmarking E-Government in Europe and the U.S.
EAN 9780833034571 -
The Role of Shevardnadze and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Making of Soviet Defense and Arms Control Policy
EAN 9780833010766 -
E-Vision 2000: Key Issues That Will Shape Our Energy Future: Analysis and Papers Prepared for the E-Vision 2000 Conference
EAN 9780833030634 -
California"s Ozone-Reduction Strategy for Light-Duty Vehicles: An Economic Assessment (The Environment and the Civil Justice System) (Volume II)
EAN 9780833023919 -
An examination of alternative nuclear breeding methods: Prepared for the Department of Energy ([Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-2267-DOE)
EAN 9780833000231 -
Guidelines for Preparing Briefings
EAN 9780833024459 -
Nato"s Future Conventional Defense Strategy in Central Europe: Theater Employment Doctrine for the Post-Cold War Era
EAN 9780833011886 19.00 USD -
Options for Restructuring the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act: Report with Background Papers and Focus Group Summary
EAN 9780833030160 -
Indications for Selected Medical and Surgical Procedures: A Literature Review & Ratings of Appropriateness (Rand Report)
EAN 9780833007445 -
The Arsenal Ship Acquisition Process Experience: Contrasting and Common Impressions from the Contractor Teams and Joint Program Office
EAN 9780833026903 15.26 USD -
Evaluating Agency Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs: A Users" Guide to Data Collection and Use
EAN 9780833016300 11.70 USD