Brand - Ben Yehuda Press
The Cabalist"s Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption
EAN 9780978998097 25.07 USD -
Esau"s Blessing: How the Bible Embraces Those with Special Needs
EAN 9781934730355 25.55 USD -
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Tanakh Companion to The Book of Samuel: Bible Study in the Spirit of Open and Modern Orthodoxy
EAN 9780976986249 27.65 USD -
Chanah"s Voice: A Rabbi Wrestles with Gender, Commandment, and the Women"s Rituals of Baking, Bathing, and Brightening
EAN 9781934730447 23.96 USD -
How Would God Really Vote: A Jewish Rebuttal to David Klinghoffer"s Conservative Polemic
EAN 9781934730195 21.21 USD -
Ahron"s Heart: The Prayers, Teachings and Letters of Ahrele Roth, a Hasidic Reformer
EAN 9781934730188 21.30 USD -
More Than Four Questions: Inviting Children"s Voices to the Seder -- A Conversational Haggadah Companion
EAN 9781934730409 18.46 USD -
The Hillel Narratives: What the Tales of the First Rabbi Can Teach Us about Our Judaism
EAN 9781934730225 23.84 USD -
Jewish Education in Transition: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Jewish Education
EAN 9780976986201 19.32 USD -
I Loved My Mother on Saturdays and Other Tales from the Shtetl and Beyond
EAN 9781934730300 23.29 USD -
A Delightful Compendium of Consolation: A Fabulous Tale of Romance, Adventure and Faith in the Medieval Mediterranean
EAN 9781934730201 25.46 USD -
Life on the Fringes: A Feminist Journey Toward Traditional Rabbinic Ordination
EAN 9781934730430 22.74 USD -
Contemporary Jewish Thought: A Reader
EAN 9780978998066 34.56 USD -
Waiting for God: The Spiritual Reflections of a Reluctant Atheist
EAN 9780978998059 23.70 USD