Brand - John Benjamins Publishing Company
Studies in Language Origins: Volume 1
EAN 9781556190650 51.30 USD -
Getting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners (Benjamins Translation Library)
EAN 9781588111289 154.05 USD -
From the Classroom to the Courtroom: A guide to interpreting in the U.S. justice system (American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series)
EAN 9789027231949 48.70 USD -
Ghanaian Pidgin English in its West African Context: A sociohistorical and structural analysis (Varieties of English Around the World)
EAN 9781556197222 171.00 USD -
Papers on Grammar: Volume V
EAN 9788849115420 24.63 USD -
Writing History as a Prophet: Postmodernist innovations of the historical novel (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature)
EAN 9781556194252 150.10 USD -
Game Localization: Translating for the global digital entertainment industry (Benjamins Translation Library)
EAN 9789027224576 48.77 USD -
Biomedical Natural Language Processing
EAN 9789027249982 52.61 USD -
A Practical Guide to Localization (Language International World Directory) (v. 4)
EAN 9789027219558 173.00 USD -
English Prepositions Explained: Revised edition
EAN 9789027211743 47.83 USD -
Advances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action (Benjamins Translation Library)
EAN 9789027224477 131.62 USD -
The Practice of Court Interpreting (Benjamins Translation Library)
EAN 9781556196843 39.55 USD -
Early Arabic Grammatical Theory: Heterogeneity and standardization (Studies in the History of the Language Sciences)
EAN 9789027245380 175.50 USD -
Reader in the History of Aphasia: From Franz Gall to Norman Geschwind (Classics in Psycholinguistics)
EAN 9789027218933 188.10 USD