Brand - New Academia Publishing, LLC
Fragments from a Land of Freedom: Essays in American Culture around the Year 2000
EAN 9780979448898 26.26 USD -
EAN 9780978771379 22.48 USD -
Real and Phantom Pains: An Anthology of New Russian Drama
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SLAVIC THINKERS OR THE CREATION OF POLITIES: Intellectual History and Political Thought in Central Europe and the Balkans in the 19th Century
EAN 9780979448805 31.55 USD -
The Rise of the Therapeutic Society: Psychological Knowledge & the Contradictions of Cultural Change
EAN 9780983245124 30.18 USD -
The Russian Nanny, Real and Imagined: History, Culture, Mythology
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FADE FROM RED: The Cold-War Ex-Enemy in Russian and American Film, 1990-2005
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Free People, Free Markets: Their Evolutionary Origin
EAN 9780982386743 32.00 USD -
From Piety to Politics: The Evolution of Sufi Brotherhoods
EAN 9780974493497 21.55 USD -
Remembering Utopia: The Culture of Everyday Life in Socialist Yugoslavia
EAN 9780984406234 33.55 USD -
The Sovietization of Eastern Europe: New Perspectives on the Postwar Period
EAN 9780980081466 38.15 USD -
God, Greed, and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries
EAN 9780976704201 26.85 USD -
Nationalism, Historiography and the (Re)Construction of the Past
EAN 9780978771317 30.40 USD -
MISSED OPPORTUNITIES? Religious Houses and the Laity in the English "High Middle Ages"
EAN 9780982386750 31.47 USD