Brand - Urim Publications
Hide and Seek: Jewish Women and Hair Covering
EAN 9789657108482 24.95 USD -
Silver from the Land of Israel: A New Light on the Sabbath and Holidays from the Writings of Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook
EAN 9789655240429 26.38 USD -
Talk of the Table Kosher Cookbook
EAN 9789657108888 17.75 USD -
Journey to Heaven: Exploring Jewish Views of the Afterlife
EAN 9789655240474 28.81 USD -
Wrestling Jacob: Deception, Identity, and Freudian Slips in Genesis
EAN 9789657108932 23.41 USD -
Kedushat Levi: Torah Commentary by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (3 vols.)
EAN 9789655240276 94.95 USD -
Haggadah for Passover With Commentary Based on the Shiurim of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
EAN 9789655240115 24.07 USD -
Waltzing With the Enemy: A Mother and Daughter Confront the Aftermath of the Holocaust
EAN 9781936068210 18.95 USD -
A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life
EAN 9789657108789 18.95 USD -
The Jewish Woman Next Door: Repairing the World One Step at a Time
EAN 9789657108956 20.73 USD -
Majesty and Humility: The Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (The Rabbi Soloveitchik Library)
EAN 9789655240764 38.42 USD -
Kaddish: Women\"s Voices
EAN 9789655241501 24.06 USD -
Dybbuks and Jewish Women in Social History, Mysticism and Folklore
EAN 9789655240078 20.86 USD -
The Holistic Haggadah: How Will You Be Different This Passover Night? Traditional Haggadah with Original Commentary
EAN 9789657108499 23.03 USD