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Joseph Conrad: A Biography
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Depeche Mode: A Biography
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Memoirs of My Life and Times
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Willie: An Autobiography
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The Art Dealers, Revised & Expanded: The Powers Behind the Scene Tell How the Art World Really Works
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The Fabulous Insects: Essays by the Foremost Nature Writers
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The Runaway Bride: Hollywood Romantic Comedy of the 1930s
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The Final Invasion: Plattsburgh, the War of 1812"s Most Decisive Battle
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Evangelism"s First Modern Media Star: Reverend Bill Stidger
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On Campaign with the Army of the Potomac: The Civil War Journal of Therodore Ayrault Dodge
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George Eliot: The Last Victorian
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The Life and African Exploration of David Livingstone
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City Under Siege: Richmond in the Civil War
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The Jehovah"s Witnesses and the Nazis: Persecution, Deportation, and Murder, 1933-1945
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