Brand - Amsterdam Univ Pr
City of Darkness, City of Light: Emigre Filmmakers in Paris, 1929-1939 (Amsterdam University Press - Film Culture in Transition)
EAN 9789053566336 64.08 USD -
The Making and Unmaking of an Industrial Working Class: Sliding Down to the Bottom of the Labour Hierarchy in Ahmedabad, India
EAN 9789053566466 42.51 USD -
In Death"s Waiting Room: Living and Dying with Dementia in a Multicultural Society (Amsterdam University Press - Care and Welfare Series)
EAN 9789053560778 28.11 USD -
The Origins of the Telescope (History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands)
EAN 9789069846156 56.78 USD -
Anatomy Live: Performance and the Operating Theatre (Mediamatters)
EAN 9789053565162 38.69 USD -
Renascent Empire?: The House of Braganza and the Quest for Stability in Portuguese Monsoon Asia, ca. 1640-1683
EAN 9789053563823 54.10 USD -
Moving Forward, Looking Back: The European Avant-garde and the Invention of Film Culture, 1919-1939 (Amsterdam University Press - Film Culture in Transition)
EAN 9789053569610 70.55 USD -
Divine Flesh, Embodied Word: Incarnation as a Hermeneutical Key to a Feminist Theologian"s Reading of Luce Irigaray"s Work (Vossiuspers Uva)
EAN 9789085551010 66.05 USD -
Crucial Concepts in Argumentation Theory
EAN 9789053565230 -
Filmfront Weimar: Representations of the First World War in German Films from the Weimar Period (1919-1933) (Amsterdam University Press - Film Culture in Transition)
EAN 9789053565971 34.44 USD -
Forces of Form: The Vrolik Museum
EAN 9789056297244 24.95 USD -
In Search of Effective Disability Policy: Comparing the Developments and Outcomes of the Dutch and Danish Disability Policies (Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Archaeological Studies)
EAN 9789053566442 35.00 USD -
Strindberg on Drama and Theatre
EAN 9789053560204 33.97 USD -
Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson (Amsterdam University Press - Film Culture in Transition)
EAN 9789053564943 34.56 USD