Brand - Birkhäuser Boston
Probability with Statistical Applications
EAN 9780817642471 62.16 USD -
Introduction to Plane Algebraic Curves
EAN 9780817643812 61.89 USD -
Viability Theory (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
EAN 9780817649098 67.50 USD -
The Theory Of Scale Relativity: Non Differentiable Geometry, Fractal Space Time, And Quantum Mechanics (Progress In Mathematical Physics)
EAN 9780817644987 152.13 USD -
Iterated Maps on the Interval as Dynamical Systems (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
EAN 9780817649265 64.20 USD -
Indiscrete Thoughts (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
EAN 9780817647803 55.26 USD -
The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis: Models of the Real World
EAN 9780817641252 89.39 USD -
Pharmacology of Endogenous Neurotoxins: A Handbook
EAN 9780817639938 169.54 USD -
Wave Packets and Related Transforms (Applied & Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
EAN 9780817644901 131.57 USD -
Set-Theoretic Methods in Control (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications)
EAN 9780817632557 99.00 USD -
Mathematical Analysis: Linear and Metric Structures and Continuity
EAN 9780817643751 70.31 USD -
Linear Algebraic Groups (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
EAN 9780817648398 45.12 USD -
An Introduction to the Langlands Program
EAN 9780817632113 52.43 USD -
Introduction to Queuing Theory (Mathematical Modeling)
EAN 9780817634230 101.47 USD