Brand - Sussex Academic Press
Wage Politics in Britain: The Rise and Fall of Incomes Policies Since 1945
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Confucianism and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Jen and Agape
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Ernest Fenollosa - The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: Ars Poetica or the Roots of Poetic Creation (Paperback) - Common
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In the Shadow of Sinai: Stories of Travel and Biblical Research
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Glimpses of the Divine: A Spiritual Anthology for Use on Every Day of the Year
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"Bridging the Gap": The Christian Sacraments and Human Belonging
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Foreign Office and Foreign Policy 1919-1926
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Spiritual Education
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Slavery, Diplomacy & Empire: Britain & the Suppression of the Slave Trade, 1807-1975 (Paperback) - Common
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[( Jewish Diaspora in Latin America & the Caribbean: Fragments of Memory )] [by: Kristin Ruggiero] [Jul-2010]
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