Brand - East European Monographs
Ethnic Rivalry and the Quest for Macedonia, 1870-1913 (East European Monographs)
EAN 9780880335270 64.17 USD -
EAN 9780880332842 51.50 USD -
Contemporary Albanian Literature
EAN 9780880332026 51.14 USD -
Hungary, 1920-1925: Istvan Bethlen and the Politics of Consolidation (East European Monograph)
EAN 9780880335942 75.81 USD -
EAN 9780880331838 70.76 USD -
EAN 9780880332057 44.50 USD -
Wartime American Plans for a New Hungary
EAN 9780880332514 62.27 USD -
Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust and After the Second World War, 1939-1949
EAN 9780880334495 62.86 USD -
EAN 9780880334372 40.50 USD -
Romania in World War II
EAN 9780880334433 56.50 USD -
EAN 9780880330206 65.00 USD -
Russian Bolshevism and British Labor
EAN 9780880330459 63.00 USD -
Slobodan Jovanovic
EAN 9780880332682 55.12 USD -
EAN 9780880334624 29.00 USD