Brand - Amer Society of Civil Engineers
Passenger Psychological Dynamics
EAN 9780872620209 10.09 USD -
Man-Transportation Interface
EAN 9780872620414 12.94 USD -
An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering
EAN 9780784405598 -
Machu Picchu: A Civil Engineering Marvel
EAN 9780784404447 50.70 USD -
Residential Streets
EAN 9780867183412 -
ICSDC 2011: Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry
EAN 9780784412046 133.00 USD -
Evaluation Findings (Technical Evaluation Report)
EAN 9780784403068 58.69 USD -
Asce Annual Combined Index 1984 (American Society of Civil Engineers//a S C E Combined Index)
EAN 9780872624641 35.04 USD -
The American Civil Engineer 1852-1974 the History Traditions and Development of the Asce
EAN 9780872620001 -
Pipelines 2013: Pipelines and Trenchless Construction and Renewals-a Global Perspective
EAN 9780784413012 143.19 USD -
Evaluation of Troxler Model 4430 Water/Cement Gauge: Final Report
EAN 9780784401958 45.73 USD -
Changing Our World: True Stories of Women Engineers
EAN 9780784408353 -
Mathematical Model of Aggregate Plant Production
EAN 9780872620711 6.01 USD -
Pipelines 2012: Innovations in Design, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance, Doing More with Less
EAN 9780784412480 106.04 USD