Brand - Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Pr
The Extension of Life: Fiction and History in the American Novel
EAN 9781611472615 60.56 USD -
Hamlet and the Rethinking of Man
EAN 9780838641392 54.94 USD -
Why Do We Go to the Zoo?: Communication, Animals, and the Cultural-Historical Experience of Zoos (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Communication Studies)
EAN 9781611476453 57.94 USD -
Denise Levertov: The Poetry of Engagement
EAN 9781611471069 -
Reading Homer: Film and Text
EAN 9780838642191 -
Experimental Fictions: From Emile Zola"s Naturalism to Giovanni Verga"s Verism (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies)
EAN 9781611471564 35.86 USD -
D.H. Lawrence: New Worlds
EAN 9780838639818 47.25 USD -
New Voices on the Harlem Renaissance
EAN 9781611473131 50.11 USD -
Constitutionalism in the Emergent States
EAN 9780838613658 38.00 USD -
Michel Tournie: Le Coq de bruy_re
EAN 9781611471250 45.63 USD -
The Emancipated
EAN 9780838621714 -
Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis
EAN 9780838640777 23.95 USD -
Leo Strauss, Education, and Political Thought
EAN 9780838641965 61.57 USD -
Communicology: The New Science of Embodied Discourse (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Communication Studies)
EAN 9781611474367 64.83 USD