Brand - American Quilters Society
Painted Applique: A New Approach
EAN 9781604601091 21.73 USD -
Encyclopedia of Designs for Quilting
EAN 9780891458876 -
Classic Basket Quilts
EAN 9780891459736 -
Quilts: The Permanent Collection-Maqs : 91 Quilts Purchased/Acquired During the Years 1984 Through 1990
EAN 9780891459750 -
Celtic Style Floral Applique: Using Interlaced Scrollwork
EAN 9780891458418 -
Tessellations & Variations: Creating One-Patch & Two-Patch Quilts
EAN 9780891458449 -
Fabulous Feathers & Fillers: Design & Machine Quilting
EAN 9781604600605 21.78 USD -
400 Embroidery Stitches For Quilts & More (Love to Quilt)
EAN 9781604600674 11.43 USD -
Quilts: The Permanent Collection-Maqs : Quilts Purchased/Acquired During the Years 1991 Through 1994
EAN 9780891458272 -
American Quilters Puzzle: New York Beauty Puzzle
EAN 9780891458067