Brand - Princeton Architectural Press
Henri Matisse: Meet the Artist
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Loblolly House: Elements of a New Architecture + DVD
EAN 9781568987477 36.02 USD -
Drosscape: Wasting Land in Urban America
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Flesh: Architectural Probes
EAN 9781878271372 34.02 USD -
Transmaterial 3: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine our Physical Environment
EAN 9781568988931 33.22 USD -
EAN 9781568982618 37.64 USD -
Empire: Nozone IX (Nozone, 9) (v. 9)
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Revolving Architecture: A History of Buildings That Rotate, Swivel, and Pivot
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Creative Time: The Book
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Walk in the Forest
EAN 9781616895693 14.88 USD -
Brodsky & Utkin
EAN 9781616893163 40.71 USD -
Manual of Section
EAN 9781616892555 33.13 USD -
Paolo Bürgi Landscape Architect: Discovering the Horizon: Mountain, Lake, and Forest (Source Books in Landscape Architecture)
EAN 9781568988511 33.33 USD -
Installations By Architects: Experiments in Building and Design
EAN 9781568988504 42.59 USD