Brand - Lilliput Pr Ltd
South of the Border
EAN 9781843511403 44.10 USD -
Maurice Craig: Photographs
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Dead as Doornails: A Memoir
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The Textual Diaries of James Joyce
EAN 9781874675587 49.67 USD -
Conversations With James Joyce
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Hugh Lane, 1875-1915
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And As I Rode by Granard\"s Moat
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The Great Hunger and The Gallant John-Joe
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Seventy Years Young: Memories of Elizabeth, Countess of Fingall
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That Woman: Studies in Irish Bibliography
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Trinity Tales: Trinity College Dublin in the Sixties
EAN 9781843511540 40.22 USD -
The Songman: A Journey in Irish Music
EAN 9781843510635 35.62 USD -
Swift: An Illustrated Life, 1667-1745
EAN 9781901866391 15.76 USD -
The Irish Women"s Movement: From Revolution to Devolution
EAN 9781843510253 31.37 USD