Brand - Imlab (St. Petersburg)
Zino Vinnikov. J.S.Bach: Violin Concertos BWV.1041, BWV.1042, BWV.1052, BWV.1056
EAN 4607053329698 13.85 USD -
Glinka. Songs and romances. Vol. 2 1834-1840
EAN 4607053329988 13.85 USD -
The Maid of Orleans. Opera in 4 acts, 6 scenes. 3 CD. Boris Khaikin & Kirov State Academic Theatre O
EAN 4607053329889 50.90 USD -
SVIRIDOV, GEORGY Choral Compositions
EAN 4602202262574 13.87 USD -
Prisoedinenie Kryma k Rossii. 2CD
EAN 4602002227889 21.51 USD -
Pesni Russkogo Voinstva. 2 CD. Muzhskoj khor Instituta Pevcheskoj Kultury "Valaam"
EAN 4600383151304 22.69 USD -
Bells of Russia
EAN 4607053329674 17.80 USD -
Easter Chants of the Russian Orthodox Church. Male Choir of the Valaam Institute for Choral Art, Igo
EAN 4602002242257 52.07 USD -
Prisoedinenie Srednej Azii k Rossii. Russkie soldatskie i istoricheskie pesni
EAN 4602202247038 10.03 USD -
Glinka. Songs and romances. Vol. 1. 1824-1834
EAN 4607053329971 13.87 USD -
God, save the Tsar! The Hymns and Songs of the Russian Imperial Army (2).
EAN 4602002231060 13.87 USD -
Live archival recordings of Anastasia Braudo. Volume 1
EAN 4602202250342 13.87 USD -
S.Rachmaninov. Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Op.31. St. Petersburg State Capella, cond. V. Chernus
EAN 4602202258157 17.69 USD -
The Solovki Monastery Chants (vol.2) - Male Choir of the Valaam Institute for Choral Art
EAN 4602002225656 17.69 USD