Brand - Louisiana St Univ
Malaise (Voices of the South)
EAN 9780807129678 15.69 USD -
Sherwood Anderson"s Secret Love Letters: For Eleanor, a Letter a Day
EAN 9780807125021 29.25 USD -
Mary Lee Settle"s Beulah Quintet: The Price of Freedom (Southern Literary Studies)
EAN 9780807116746 30.32 USD -
Settlers: Poems
EAN 9780807124055 -
EAN 9780807126110 14.83 USD -
Crooked Run: Poems
EAN 9780807131251 15.32 USD -
Lucy Audubon: A Biography (Southern Biography Series)
EAN 9780807133811 23.32 USD -
Being-in-christ And Putting Death in Its Place: An Anthropologist"s Account of Christian Performance in Spanish America And the American South
EAN 9780807132043 17.96 USD -
Desire, Violence & Divinity in Modern Southern Fiction: Katherine Anne Porter, Flannery O"Connor, Cormac McCarthy, Walker Percy (Southern Literary Studies)
EAN 9780807131756 -
All That Happened Had to Happen
EAN 9780807142363 49.50 USD -
Lives of the Saints (Voices of the South)
EAN 9780807121627 18.29 USD -
Napoleon and the American Dream
EAN 9780807124635 20.94 USD -
Lincoln and Citizens" Rights in Civil War Missouri: Balancing Freedom and Security (Conflicting Worlds: New Dimensions of the American Civil War)
EAN 9780807136935 43.48 USD -
The Louisiana Populist Movement, 1881-1900
EAN 9780807137277 40.50 USD