Brand - Humana Press
Design and Analysis of Learning Classifier Systems: A Probabilistic Approach (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
EAN 9783540798651 176.84 USD -
Handbook of Histology Methods for Bone and Cartilage (None)
EAN 9780896039605 202.98 USD -
Gene Targeting Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
EAN 9780896033603 131.39 USD -
Molecular Mechanisms of Dementia (Contemporary Neuroscience)
EAN 9780896033719 221.36 USD -
Immunological Tolerance: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
EAN 9781588296528 172.07 USD -
Gene Delivery to Mammalian Cells: Volume 1: Nonviral Gene Transfer Techniques (Methods in Molecular Biology)
EAN 9781588290861 124.40 USD -
Peptide Synthesis Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
EAN 9780896032736 140.64 USD -
The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity (Nutrition and Health)
EAN 9781617375057 230.25 USD -
DNA Methylation: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
EAN 9781934115619 133.27 USD -
Nuclear Reprogramming and Stem Cells (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine)
EAN 9781617792243 173.45 USD -
Characterization of Proteins (Methods in Molecular Biology) (Biological Methods)
EAN 9780896031098 182.76 USD -
HIV Protocols 2e: Second Edition (Methods in Molecular Biology)
EAN 9781617378089 163.60 USD -
Folate and Human Development
EAN 9781617372629 137.60 USD -
Endocrinology of Aging (Contemporary Endocrinology)
EAN 9780896037564 161.53 USD