Brand - Amer Univ in Cairo Pr
The Tent (Modern Arabic Writing)
EAN 9789774245428 13.98 USD -
Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century (2) (Hardcover)
EAN 9789774247149 68.34 USD -
Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt
EAN 9789774246692 17.78 USD -
Toward More Efficient Services in Egypt: Reforming Tourism, Construction, Information Technology, Wholesale and Retail, Roads, and Banking Services (Egyptian Center for Economic Studies Publication)
EAN 9789774164941 29.13 USD -
Cairo Papers Vol. 31, No. 3/4: Visual Productions of Knowledge: Toward a Different Middle East (Cairo Papers in Social Science)
EAN 9789774165092 19.14 USD -
Cairo Modern: An Arabic Novel
EAN 9789774161568 18.99 USD -
Monuments of Historic Cairo: A Map and Descriptive Catalogue (American Research Center in Egypt Conservation)
EAN 9789774248412 53.12 USD -
The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of David B. O"Connor (2 Volume Set)
EAN 9789774372414 -
Pharaonic Civilization Calendar 2010
EAN 9789774162664 14.41 USD -
Birds of Amber
EAN 9789774248863 23.45 USD -
Ten Again and Other Stories
EAN 9789774249471 20.49 USD -
Annales du Service des Antiquités de l"Egypte: Cahier No. 35: The World of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of Ahmed Abd El-Qader El-Sawi
EAN 9789774370151 30.21 USD -
EAN 9789774162534 13.34 USD -
Farewell to Alexandria: Eleven Short Stories
EAN 9789774248108 15.99 USD