Brand - Foundation Press
Business Planning: Cases and Materials
EAN 9781599416199 -
La Merica: The first true history of the colonization of the Americas.
EAN 9780615814827 18.16 USD -
Business Associations : Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations
EAN 9781587780233 20.70 USD -
Mass Media Law: Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition (University Casebook)
EAN 9781566628945 89.87 USD -
Eisenberg\"s Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Statutes, Rules, Materials and Forms, 2013
EAN 9781609303754 43.95 USD -
The Elements of Bankruptcy, 5th (Concepts & Insights)
EAN 9781599417257 40.94 USD -
Copyright, Cases and Materials, 8th (University Casebooks)
EAN 9781609300197 195.50 USD -
Pension and Employee Benefit Statutes and Regulations: Selected Sections
EAN 9781599411330 -
1994 case supplement to Cox, Bok, Gorman and Finkin, and Cases and materials on labor law, eleventh edition (University casebook series)
EAN 9781566622189 -
Commercial Law (University Casebook)
EAN 9781566627955 -
Torts Stories (Law Stories)
EAN 9781587785030 40.92 USD -
Business Associations Statutes and Rules 2013: Agency, Partnerships, Llcs, and Corporations (University Casebook)
EAN 9781609303686 35.26 USD -
Copyright Law (Concepts and Insights)
EAN 9781599412511 41.92 USD -
2003 Supplement to Constitutional Law
EAN 9781587785313