Brand - Eebo Editions, Proquest
Iohannis Caii Angli, De pronuntiatione Grecae & Latinae linguae cum scriptione noua libellus (1574) (Latin Edition)
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Roberti whittinoni lichfeldiensis gra[m]matices magistri et prothouatis Anglie in florentissima Oxoniensi achademia laureati de octo partibus orationis (1516) (Latin Edition)
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A shield of defence against the arrovves of schisme shot abroad by Iean de L"escluse in his advertisment against Mr. Brightman (1612)
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Digesta scholastica In gratiam puerorum edita. In duas divisa partes: quarum prior prosaica, posterior metrica contines. Per T.M. (1617) (Latin Edition)
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Regina literata siue De serenissimae Dominae Elizabethae Angliae, Franciae & Hiberniae Reginae, fidei defensione illustriss. in Academiam ... Abrahami Hartuelli. (1565) (Latin Edition)
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De heteroclytis nominibus. Editio Roberti Whitintoni lichfeldie[n]sis protouatis Anglie in flore[n]tissima Oxoniensi academia laureati: de ... eiusdem ad lectorem. (1520) (Latin Edition)
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The vvisdome of Doctor Dodypoll As it hath bene sundrie times acted by the children of Powles. (1600)
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Vigilius dormitans Romes seer overseene· Or A treatise of the Fift General Councell held at Constantinople under Iustinian the Emperour, in the time ... and set forth by Geo: Crakanthorp. (1631)
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The art of making love, or, Rules for the conduct of ladies and gallants in their amours (1676)
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The anatomie of baseness. Or the foure quarters of a knaue flatterie, ingratitude, enuie, detraction. (1615)
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The deplorable life and death of Edward the Second, King of England Together with the downefall of the two vnfortunate fauorits, Gavestone and Spencer. Storied in an excellent poëm. (1628)
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The anatomie of humors: vvritten by Simion Grahame (1609)
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Modern policies, taken from Machiavel, Borgia, and other choice authors, by an eye-witnesse (1654)
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The Frier and the boy very delectable though unpleasant to all step-mothers. (1698)
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