Brand - Rand Corp
Measuring the Statutory and Regulatory Constraints on DoD Acquisition: Research Design for an Empirical Study (Technical Report)
EAN 9780833039675 19.26 USD -
Deterrence and Influence in Counterterrorism: A Component in the War on al Qaeda
EAN 9780833032867 19.00 USD -
Recent Trends in Palestinian Terrorism (Rand Paper, P-6981)
EAN 9789995741624 -
The Global Course of the Information Revolution: Recurring Themes and Regional Variations
EAN 9780833034243 27.76 USD -
Beyond al-Qaeda: Part 1, The Global Jihadist Movement
EAN 9780833039309 28.44 USD -
Best Practices in Supplier Relationship Management and Their Early Implementation in the Air Force Material Command
EAN 9780833051448 22.56 USD -
Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Survey (Rand Corporation Monograph)
EAN 9780833041272 25.50 USD -
Economics of Rental Housing (Rand Report)
EAN 9780833004529 -
Effects of Bonuses on Active Component Reenlistment Versus Prior Service Enlistment in the Selected Reserve (Rand Corporation Monograph)
EAN 9780833052162 20.43 USD -
Control Net of Mars, February 1978: February 1978
EAN 9780833000637 -
For Whom the Whistle Blows: Advancing Corporate Compliance and Integrity Efforts in the Era of Dodd-Frank (Conference Proceedings)
EAN 9780833058935 23.75 USD -
The Weapons Mix Problem: A Math Model to Quantify the Effects of Internetting of Fires to the Future Force (Arroyo Center Technical Report)
EAN 9780833037817 77.57 USD -
International Cooperation in Research and Development: An Inventory of U.S. Government Spending and a Framework for Measuring Benefits
EAN 9780833025753 14.38 USD -
Reinventing Public Education
EAN 9780833016317 15.18 USD