Brand - Springer Netherlands
Phänomenologie der Assoziation: Zu Struktur und Funktion eines Grundprinzips der passiven Genesis bei E. Husserl (Phaenomenologica) (German Edition)
EAN 9789401027328 345.68 USD -
Symmetries of Integro-Differential Equations: With Applications in Mechanics and Plasma Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 806)
EAN 9789048137961 92.83 USD -
Sabdapramana: Word and Knowledge: A Doctrine in Mimamsa-Nyaya Philosophy (with reference to Advaita Vedanta-paribhasa "Agama") Towards a Framework for Sruti-pramanya (Studies of Classical India)
EAN 9789401078108 96.90 USD -
Medial Representations: Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (Computational Imaging and Vision)
EAN 9789048179466 115.76 USD -
Modified Fibers with Medical and Specialty Applications
EAN 9789048169672 260.52 USD -
Thin-Walled Composite Beams: Theory and Application (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)
EAN 9789048168705 268.70 USD -
Web Search: Public Searching of the Web (Information Science and Knowledge Management)
EAN 9789048166299 185.07 USD -
Emerging Conceptual, Ethical and Policy Issues in Bionanotechnology (Philosophy and Medicine)
EAN 9789048179435 169.06 USD -
The God Beyond Belief: In Defence of William Rowe"s Evidential Argument from Evil (Studies in Philosophy and Religion)
EAN 9789048172948 212.29 USD -
Faith and the Life of Reason
EAN 9789401029124 -
Ethics in Agriculture - An African Perspective
EAN 9789048167616 151.84 USD -
Valuing Environmental Amenities Using Stated Choice Studies: A Common Sense Approach to Theory and Practice (The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources)
EAN 9789048170296 240.77 USD -
The Passionate Society: The Social, Political and Moral Thought of Adam Ferguson (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d"histoire des idées)
EAN 9789048169917 197.11 USD -
Atlas of Human Chromosome Heteromorphisms
EAN 9789048162963 303.92 USD