Brand - Parior Pr
The Two Paths (Prospects in Visual Rhetoric)
EAN 9781932559187 24.07 USD -
The English Language: From Sound to Sense (Perspectives on Writing)
EAN 9781602351806 47.84 USD -
Peers, Pirates, and Persuasion: Rhetoric in the Peer-to-Peer Debates
EAN 9781602350052 26.51 USD -
When Your Way Gets Dark: A Rhetoric of the Blues
EAN 9781932559385 32.55 USD -
Au Japon: The Memoirs of a Foreign Correspondent in Japan, Korea, and China, 1892-1894 (Writing Travel)
EAN 9781602351288 34.33 USD -
On the Blunt Edge: Technology in Composition"s History and Pedagogy
EAN 9781602352209 37.52 USD -
Networked Process: Dissolving Boundaries of Process and Post-Process (Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Compositio)
EAN 9781602350199 36.40 USD -
Ways of Seeing, Ways of Speaking: The Integration of Rhetoric and Vision in Constructing the Real (Visual Rhetoric)
EAN 9781602350328 36.01 USD -
The Promise and Perils of Writing Program Administration (Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition)
EAN 9781602350502 38.59 USD -
Writing Program Administration at Small Liberal Arts Colleges (Writing Program Adminstration)
EAN 9781602353046 39.09 USD -
Greek Rhetoric Before Aristotle: Revised and Expanded Edition (Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition)
EAN 9781602352124 37.93 USD -
Writing a Progressive Past: Women Teaching and Writing in the Progressive Era (Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition)
EAN 9781602352582 32.80 USD -
Practicing Theory in Second Language Writing
EAN 9781602351394 62.54 USD -
WPA: Writing Program Administration 35.1
EAN 9781602352667 11.80 USD