Brand - Proquest, Eebo Editions
Yr ymarfer o dduwioldeb yn cyfarwyddo dyn i rodio fel y rhyngo ef fodd Duw: yr hwn lyfr a osodwyd allan yn saesnaeg o waith y gwir barchedig dâd yu ... gymraeg o waith Row. (1700) (Welsh Edition)
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Sylloge Variorum Tractatuum Anglico Quidem Idiomate & AB Auctoribus Anglis Conscriptorum sed in Linguam Latinam Translatorum: Quibus Caroli Magnae Britan, Franciae Et Hiberniae Regis Innocentia Illustratur Et Parridicium Injustissime (1649) (Paperback)(Latin) - Common
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Evangelium medici: seu Medicina mystica; de suspensis naturae legibus, siue de miraculis; reliquisque [en tois bibliois] memoratis, quae medicae ... priùs corporum natura (1697) (Latin Edition)
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The holy life and death of the Lady Letice, Vi-countess Falkland with The returnes of spiritual comfort and grief in a devout soul: represented in ... in her / by John Duncon ... (1653)
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A treatise tending to direct the weak Christian how he may rightly celebrate the sacrament of the Lords Supper what he must do before in the time of ... and what afterwards / by John Downame. (1645)
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Tabulae ad grammatica Graeca introductoriae in quibus succinctè compingitur, brevissima, sed tamen expedita, singularum partium orationis ... ad eandem linguam ... (1607) (Latin Edition)
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An enquiry into, and detection of the barbarous murther of the late Earl of Essex, or, A vindication of that noble person, from the guilt and infamy of having destroyed himself (1689)
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Tabula numerorum quadratorum decies millium, unà cum ipsorum lateribus ab unitate incipientibus ordine naturali usque ad 10000 progredientibus. (1672)
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The sage senator delineated, or, A discourse of the qualifications, endowments, parts, external and internal, office, duty and dignity of a perfect ... as also of kings and princes (1660)
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London looke backe at that yeare of yeares 1625 and looke forvvard, vpon this yeare 1630 / written not to terrifie, but to comfort. (1630)
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The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of ... behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull (1592)
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The shepherds calendar containing twelve aeglogues, proportionable to the twelve months. By Edmund Spencer prince of English poets. (1653) (Latin Edition)
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A new relation of Rome as to the government of the city, the noble families thereof, the revenue and expences of the pope, the courts of justice, the ... and other particulars very curious (1664)
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Graecae grammatices rudimenta quae tironibus; necnon paralipomena, quae provectioribus Graecae linguae studiosis proponuntur. In usum scholae ... scholae moderatorem. (1654) (Latin Edition)
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