Tag - Книги по энергетике
Recommendations for the technological design of substations AC higher voltage 35-750 square meters. Approved by the Ministry of Energy, the Russia 30.06.2003 / Rekomendatsii po tekhnologicheskomu proektirovaniyu podstantsiy peremennogo toka s vysshim napryazheniem 35-750 kV. Utverzhdeny Minenergo Rossii 30.06.2003 g.
EAN 9785931964249 1.90 USD -
Recommendations for the technological design of overhead power lines with voltage 35 kV and above. Approved by the Ministry of Energy, the Russia 30.06.2003 / Rekomendatsii po tekhnologicheskomu proektirovaniyu vozdushnykh liniy elektroperedachi napryazheniem 35 kV i vyshe. Utverzhdeny Minenergo Rossii 30.06.2003 g.
EAN 9785931964225 1.61 USD -
Pravila tehnicheskoy ekspluatatsii elektroustanovok potrebiteley v voprosah i otvetah dlya izucheniya i p
EAN 9785424800542 2.84 USD -
Rules of Electrical (PUE). Div. 2. Power Transmission Ch. 2.4, 2.5 / PRAVILA USTROYSTVA ELEKTROUSTANOVOK (PUE). RAZD. 2. PEREDAChA ELEKTROENERGII GL. 2.4, 2.51 0
EAN 9785931969671 2.00 USDFeedbacks:1 -
Guidelines for the admission of new and refurbished electrical and thermal power plants. / Metodicheskie ukazaniya po dopusku v expluatatsiyu novykh i rekonstruirovannykh elektricheskikh i teplovykh energoustanovok.
EAN 9785931967202 1.97 USD -
Typical instruction for electricity metering in its production, transmission and distribution. FA 34.09.101-94 change 1. / Tipovaya instruktsiya po uchetu elektroenergii pri ee proizvodstve, peredache i raspredelenii. RD 34.09.101-94 s izmeneniem 1 - ("Pravila i instruktsii")1 0
EAN 9785931964966 4.39 USDFeedbacks:1 -
Poteri Elektroenergii. Reaktivnaya Mosc1 0
EAN 9785931969589 10.12 USDFeedbacks:1 -
Ekspluatatsiya Elektricheskih Podstants
EAN 9785424800054 6.61 USD -
Operatory Kommercheskogo Ucheta Na Rynk1 0
EAN 9785931967721 4.33 USDFeedbacks:1 -
Energetika. Problemy Nastoyaschego I Vo
EAN 9785424800023 7.15 USD -
Promyshlennye Potrebiteli Na Rynke Elek1 0
EAN 9785424800016 5.48 USDFeedbacks:1