Tag - История и теория архитектуры
Arhitektura izmenyayuscheysya Rossii. Sostoyanie i perspektivy
EAN 9785484012688 12.74 USD -
Moskva glazami arhitektora
EAN 9785980510770 26.72 USD -
PRO EXPO Architecture of the Middle Urals in 2010 / PRO EXPO Arkhitektura Srednego Urala 2010
EAN 9785903433421 1.51 USD -
Soviet Modernism (English and Russian Edition)
EAN 9785903433438 42.67 USD -
The iconostasis of Peter"s time "stolyarstvo and carving, gilding, icon-painting work. Moscow and Moscow region Contractors records / Ikonostas petrovskogo vremeni "stolyarstvo i rezba", zolochenie, ikonopisnye raboty. Moskva i Podmoskove Podryadnye zapisi
EAN 9785382007014 12.64 USD -
Problems in the Theory of Architecture Architecture and Culture of Russia in XXI century / Voprosy teorii arkhitektury Arkhitektura i kultura Rossii v XXI veke
EAN 9785397003896 10.81 USD -
Arhitekturnaya kultura: Iskusstvo arhitektury kak sredstvo gumanizatsii "vtoroy prirody"
EAN 9785990211223 6.08 USD -
Arhitekturnoe nasledie Rossii. Fedor Shehtel
EAN 9785902887089 56.37 USD -
Архитектурное наследство. Выпуск 55
EAN 9785396004115 15.43 USD -
Innovatsii v arhitekture
EAN 9785397023801 4.84 USD -
Terminy rossiyskogo arhitekturnogo naslediya. Arhitekturnyy slovar
EAN 9785980510879 17.67 USD -
Architectural heritage In Memory O. H. Halpahchyana / Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo Pamyati O.Kh.Khalpakhchyana
EAN 9785396002838 6.45 USD -
Style as the language of architecture / Stil kak yazyk arkhitektury
EAN 9789668324703 6.05 USD -
The latest comment on the treatise of Vitruvius" Ten Books on Architecture " / Noveyshiy kommentariy k traktatu Vitruviya "Desyat knig ob arkhitekture"
EAN 9785484012541 3.47 USD