Tag - Филология. Языкознание
modern Russian literary language Syntax Sovremennyy russkiy literaturnyy yazyk Sintaxis
EAN 9785397007627 5.88 USD -
Categorical meaning of the verb Systematic and functional aspects / Kategorialnoe znachenie glagola Sistemnyy i funktsionalnyy aspekty
EAN 9785397007474 5.12 USD -
Lexical and phraseological aspects of translation A manual for college students - (higher vocational education, foreign languages ") (neck) / Lexicheskie i frazeologicheskie aspekty perevoda Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vuzov - ("Vysshee professionalnoe obrazovanie-Inostrannye yazyki") (GRIF)
EAN 9785769556937 7.02 USD -
What is language Epistemological point textbook for the course - 2 ed. / Chto takoe yazyk Gnoseologicheskiy aspekt Uchebnoe posobie k spetskursu - 2-e izd.
EAN 9785397003377 2.81 USD -
Introduction to terminography How simple and easy to compile a dictionary Textbook - 3rd ed., Ext. / Vvedenie v terminografiyu Kak prosto i legko sostavit slovar Uchebnoe posobie - 3-e izd.,dop.
EAN 9785397000918 5.94 USD -
Introduction to Linguistics (5035) [Tutorial] / Vvedenie v yazykoznanie (5035) [Uchebnik]
EAN 9785358011939 17.25 USD -
Introduction to psycholinguistics / Vvedenie v psikholingvistiku
EAN 9785728109501 4.86 USD -
History Science Language Istoriya nauki o yazyke
EAN 9785893497236 6.65 USD -
Introduction pragmalinguistics / Vvedenie v pragmalingvistiku
EAN 9785893499469 3.40 USD -
Syntax styling - 4 th ed. / Sintaxicheskaya stilistika - 4-e izd.
EAN 9785382002828 4.24 USD -
Golan IG Morphology of Modern Russian (1 ed.) Proc. allowance / Golanov I.G. Morfologiya sovremennogo russkogo yazyka (1-e izd.) ucheb. posobie
EAN 9785769535789 10.47 USD -
Filologicheski analiz teksta
EAN 9785976500532 10.74 USD -
General Linguistics History Linguistics Linguistic Guide Summary Directory OBShchEE YaZYKOZNANIE Istoriya yazykoznaniya Putevoditel po lingvistike Konspekt spravochnik
EAN 9785893497557 2.62 USD -
Fundamentals translation 2 nd ed Ispra Extras On angl yazyke Osnovy perevoda Kurs lektsiy po teorii i praktike perevoda dlya in tov i fak mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy Izd 2 ispr i dop
EAN 9785901620670 4.00 USD