Tag - Информатика. Электроника. Связь
Information technology A manual for secondary vocational / Informatsionnye tekhnologii Uchebnoe posobie dlya SSUZov
EAN 9785394010552 5.53 USD -
Muromtsev JL Information technologies of designing radio-electronic means (1 ed.) Proc. allowance / Informatsionnye tekhnologii proektirovaniya radioelektronnykh sredstv Ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vyssh. ucheb. zavedeniy - ("Vysshee professionalnoe obrazovanie-Radioelektronika") (GRIF)
EAN 9785769562563 12.54 USD -
Rate of automatic control theory. Textbook. 2 ed. / Kurs teorii avtomaticheskogo upravleniya. Uchebnoe posobie. 2-e izd.
EAN 9785811409952 20.57 USD -
Information security management systems A textbook for high schools. (Higher vocational education) / Informatsionnoe obespechenie sistem upravleniya Uchebnik dlya vuzov. (Vysshee professionalnoe obrazovanie)
EAN 9785769563010 12.44 USD -
Collection of problems for the Olympiad in "Computers, complexes, systems and networks." Textbook for high schools / Sbornik olimpiadnykh zadach dlya spetsialnosti "Vychislitelnye mashiny, komplexy, sistemy i seti".Uchebnoe posobie dlya VUZov
EAN 9785406006894 3.95 USD -
Basic principles and concepts of programming in VBA in Ecxel. Tutorial / Osnovnye printsipy i kontseptsii programmirovaniya na yazyke VBA v Ecxel. Uchebnoe posobie
EAN 9785996302581 5.65 USD -
Information Technology. Telecommunications (lecture notes) Handbook for exam preparation - (lecture notes. To help the student ") / Informatsionnye tekhnologii. Telekommunikatsii (konspekt lektsiy) Posobie dlya podgotovki k ekzamenam - ("Konspekt lektsiy. V pomoshch studentu")
EAN 9785951209160 2.25 USD -
Fundamentals of Information Transmission / Osnovy teorii peredachi informatsii
EAN 9785406000496 6.47 USD -
Fundamentals of Intelligent Systems / Osnovy postroeniya intellektualnykh sistem
EAN 9785279034123 8.60 USD -
Решение вариационных задач строительной механики в системе Mathematica. Учебное пособие
EAN 9785811409242 8.06 USD -
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence / Osnovy iskusstvennogo intellekta
EAN 9785947744804 4.01 USD -
Fundamentals of Network Security cryptographic algorithms and protocols / Osnovy setevoy bezopasnosti kriptograficheskie algoritmy i protokoly vzaimodeystviya uchebnoe posobie.
EAN 9785947746501 7.62 USD -
Computers. Textbook. 2 nd ed. Ispra. and additional / Informatika. Uchebnik. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop
EAN 9785222155738 3.58 USD -
Workshop on Informatics. Tutorial / Praktikum po informatike. Uchebnoe posobie
EAN 9785222159132 3.35 USD