Tag - Extremities
The Knee: Form, Function, Pathology, and Treatment, 1e
EAN 9780721634951 189.00 USD -
Revision of Failed Arthroscopic and Ligament Surgery
EAN 9780865424371 105.00 USD -
Knee Ligaments: Structure, Function, Injury, and Repair
EAN 9780881676051 155.00 USD -
Vibration Effects on the Hand and Arm in Industry
EAN 9780471889540 -
Dupuytren\"s Disease: Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Management
EAN 9780387572390 129.00 USD -
Joint Replacement in the Shoulder and Elbow
EAN 9780750613675 199.95 USD -
Reconstructive Knee Surgery (Bristol-Myers Squibb Symposium on Pain Research Series)
EAN 9780781700313 199.00 USD -
HIP Screening in the Newborn: A Practical Guide, 1e
EAN 9780750627641 41.95 USD -
The Hip and Its Disorders, 1e
EAN 9780721618128 295.00 USD -
Arthroscopic Surgery: The Foot and Ankle (Arthroscopic Surgery Series)
EAN 9780397510931 159.00 USD -
Technical Tips for Hand Surgery, 1e
EAN 9781560530206 71.00 USD -
An Atlas of Surgical Exposures of the Loweer Extremity
EAN 9780397583256 269.00 USD -
European Social Fund and the EU: Flexibility, Growth, Stability (Contemporary European Studies)
EAN 9780070217539 71.62 USD -
Ligaments of the Knee, 1e
EAN 9780443089541 155.00 USD