Tag - Paraguay
The lost paradise: The Jesuit Republic in South America (A Continuum book)
EAN 9780816492954 -
The Empress of South America
EAN 9780434008988 -
Paraguay Under Stroessner
EAN 9780807814376 -
The Conquest of the River Plate (1535-1555)
EAN 9781402195044 15.19 USD -
Paraguay: A Country Study (Area Handbook Series)
EAN 9780160191015 29.00 USD -
Paradise Mislaid: In Search of the Australian Tribe of Paraguay (Uqp)
EAN 9780702226519 35.00 USD -
I Die With My Country: Perspectives on the Paraguayan War, 1864-1870 (Studies in War, Society, and the Militar)
EAN 9780803227620 69.95 USD -
Letters On Paraguay, by J.P. and W.P. Robertson
EAN 9781143951909 30.20 USD -
An Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay Volume 3
EAN 9781314056235 27.75 USD -
Garden in the Wilderness: Mennonite Communities in the Paraguayan Chaco
EAN 9780920718636 32.00 USD -
The Chaco War 1932-35: South America\"s Greatest War (Men-at-Arms)
EAN 9781849084161 15.57 USD -
The Paraguayan War, Volume 1: Causes and Early Conduct (Studies in War, Society, and the Militar)
EAN 9780803247864 75.00 USD -
The Stroessner Regime and Indigenous Resistance in Paraguay
EAN 9780813035475 28.45 USD -
An Account of Paraguay: Its History, Its People, and Its Government
EAN 9781313159661 24.14 USD