Tag - Sedimentary
Statistics of Earth Science Data
EAN 9783540436034 112.25 USD -
Analytical Sedimentology
EAN 9780442012168 203.78 USD -
The Climate in Historical Times: Towards a Synthesis of Holocene Proxy Data and Climate Models (GKSS School of Environmental Research)
EAN 9783642058264 291.52 USD -
The Sea Floor
EAN 9783540601913 130.18 USD -
Applied Micropalaeontology
EAN 9780792322641 166.58 USD -
Carbonates: Sedimentology, Geographical Distribution and Economic Importance (Geology and Mineralogy Research Developments: Chemical Engineering Methods and Technoogy)
EAN 9781629481784 67.28 USD -
Principles of Tidal Sedimentology
EAN 9789400701229 242.97 USD -
EAN 9783540216674 128.37 USD -
The Concise Geologic Time Scale
EAN 9780521898492 46.72 USD -
Erosion and Sedimentation
EAN 9780521537377 65.05 USD -
Trace Fossil Analysis
EAN 9783540472254 65.71 USD -
New Perspectives on Deep-water Sandstones, Volume 9: Origin, Recognition, Initiation, and Reservoir Quality (Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production)
EAN 9780444563354 154.68 USD -
Regolith Science (Hardcover)
EAN 9781402088599 183.03 USD -
Marine Geochemistry (Revised / Updated) (Hardcover)
EAN 9783540321439 125.01 USD