Tag - Zoroastrianism
The Parsis of India: Preservation of Identity in Bombay City
EAN 9788173047817 46.75 USD -
The Sacred Books of the East: Volume 31. The Zend-Avesta. Part 3
EAN 9781402185731 17.18 USD -
Witches, Whores, and Sorcerers: The Concept of Evil in Early Iran
EAN 9780292747678 24.18 USD -
The Narrow Path: Revelations in Advanced Spirituality
EAN 9780967785288 17.00 USD -
The Zend Avesta, Part 2 of 3: The Sirozahs, Yasts and Nyayis (Forgotten Books)
EAN 9781606201961 11.55 USD -
Go Forth and Do Good: Memorable Notre Dame Commencement Addresses
EAN 9780268029562 24.89 USD -
Called to Care: A Training Manual for Small Group Leaders
EAN 9780836136227 6.99 USD -
The Zend-Avesta Or Persian Holy Scripture
EAN 9781161600162 31.99 USD -
Zoroastrianism: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)
EAN 9781441113795 23.70 USD -
The Man Who Sent the Magi (Paperback)
EAN 9781935529873 18.45 USD -
Zoroastrianism: An Introduction (Introductions to Religion)
EAN 9781848850880 24.46 USD -
The Zend-Avesta or Persian Holy Scripture (Paperback)
EAN 9781425328788 20.20 USD -
The Spirit of Zoroastrianism (Paperback)
EAN 9780300170351 13.42 USD -
Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism (Textual Sources for the Study of Religion)
EAN 9780226069302 23.29 USD