Tag - Zoroastrianism
The Zoroastrian Faith: Tradition and Modern Research
EAN 9780773511446 23.89 USD -
When Zarathustra Spoke: The Reformation Of Neolithic Culture And Religion (Bibliotheca Iranica: Zoroastrian Studies)
EAN 9781568591841 34.12 USD -
Love and Violence: Marriage As Metaphor for the Relationship Between Yhwh and Israel in the Prophetic Books
EAN 9780814651476 37.95 USD -
Trouble of Mind and the Disease of Melancholy (Puritan Writings)
EAN 9781573581202 29.00 USD -
Avesta: The Religious Books of the Parsees. Volumes 1-3
EAN 9781421205007 25.54 USD -
Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion
EAN 9780766101326 18.95 USD -
Essays on Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism (Bibliotheca Iranica: Zoroastrian Studies Series)
EAN 9781568591292 18.95 USD -
In Search of Zarathustra: The First Prophet and the Ideas That Changed the World
EAN 9781842126554 -
Pahlavi Texts of Zoroastrianism, Part 2 of 5: The Dadistan-i Dinik and the Epistles of Manuskihar (Forgotten Books)
EAN 9781606201992 11.17 USD -
Gifts to a Magus: Indo-Iranian Studies Honoring Firoze Kotwal (Toronto Studies in Religion)
EAN 9781433120510 91.16 USD -
The Sacred Books of the East: Volume 4. The Zend-Avesta. Part 1
EAN 9781402185793 14.56 USD -
Zarathushtra and his Antagonists: A Sociolinguistic Study with English and German Translation of His Gathas (SZ)
EAN 9783895007682 114.08 USD -
The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism
EAN 9781107018792 98.12 USD -
The Zend-Avesta, The Gathas, and the Doctrine of Zarathustra
EAN 9781419105883 15.15 USD