Tag - Theories of Humor
Humor and the Individual
EAN 9780914563020 8.95 USD -
Secrets of successful humor
EAN 9780898400861 -
Humor and Psyche: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
EAN 9780881632576 58.42 USD -
Why We Laugh: A New Understanding
EAN 9780980195828 24.95 USD -
Laugh After Laugh: The Healing Power of Humor
EAN 9780932428073 7.95 USD -
\"Hoffentlich sind die Jungs auch punktlich\": Darstellung und Selbstdarstellung des homosexuellen Witzes (German Edition)
EAN 9783921495025 -
Doing the wash: An expressive culture and personality study of a joke and its tellers (Norwood folklore originals ; no. 2)
EAN 9780883058961 -
The Sense of Humor: Explorations of a Personality Characteristic (Humor Research, 3) (Erganzungsbande Zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumsku)
EAN 9783110162073 177.67 USD -
Taking Laughter Seriously
EAN 9780873956437 24.91 USD -
Intent on laughter
EAN 9780812906219 -
Never Stop Laughing!
EAN 9781438929040 13.77 USD -
Laughter: A Scientific Investigation
EAN 9780141002255 14.62 USD -
The Secret of Humor.
EAN 9789062033706 36.00 USD -
Jokes: Their Purpose and Meaning
EAN 9781568210704 40.00 USD