Tag - Audiology & Speech Pathology
Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
EAN 9781597562812 125.00 USD -
Hearing Science Fundamentals, 1e
EAN 9780323043427 69.17 USD -
Exercises for Voice Therapy
EAN 9781597565301 85.45 USD -
Speech and Voice Science
EAN 9781597564816 71.12 USD -
Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders
EAN 9780890797280 66.00 USD -
Assessment & Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting: From Science to Practice 2nd Edition(Singular Audiology Text)
EAN 9780769301303 171.57 USD -
Introduction to Auditory Rehabilitation: A Contemporary Issues Approach
EAN 9780205424177 124.05 USD -
Audiology: The Fundamentals
EAN 9780781766432 86.99 USD -
Clinical Audiology: An Introduction
EAN 9780766862883 125.38 USD -
Advice for New Faculty Members
EAN 9780205281596 52.95 USD -
Signing (Revised, Updated, Subsequent) (Paperback)
EAN 9780553375398 17.33 USD -
Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Lifespan Evidence-Based Perspective (4th Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Communication Sciences and Disorders)
EAN 9780137000081 130.24 USD -
Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Communication and Social Interactions [With DVD] (Communication and Language Intervention (Unnumbered))
EAN 9781598570533 61.78 USD -
Otoacoustic Emissions: Principles, Procedures, and Protocols (Core Clinical Concepts in Audiology)
EAN 9781597563420 56.48 USD