Tag - Campaigns
United States Army in the Korean War: The First Year, From the Invasion to the Beginning of Negotiations
EAN 9781610010191 16.99 USD -
Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur (Texas A & M University Military History)
EAN 9780890963449 39.95 USD -
Wonju: The Gettysburg of the Korean War
EAN 9781574884005 16.95 USD -
Submarine Commander: A Story of World War II and Korea
EAN 9780813109886 27.55 USD -
We Few: The Marine Corps 400 in the War Against Japan
EAN 9781557501684 30.75 USD -
Colder Than Hell: A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir (Bluejacket Books)
EAN 9781557504166 19.25 USD -
Scorched Earth, Black Snow: Britain and Australia in the Korean War, 1950
EAN 9781845137755 22.30 USD