Tag - Gender & the Law
A Question of Choice (Anniversary, Revised, Updated) (Paperback)
EAN 9781558618121 15.55 USD -
Violence Against Women Under International Human Rights Law (Hardcover)
EAN 9780521767132 102.90 USD -
A Different Shade of Blue: How women changed the face of police work
EAN 9781933016566 17.92 USD -
Patriarchal Religion, Sexuality, and Gender: A Critique of New Natural Law
EAN 9780521173360 46.30 USD -
Surrogate Motherhood and the Politics of Reproduction
EAN 9780520252042 41.67 USD -
Real Rape
EAN 9780674749443 28.51 USD -
Women"s Lives, Men"s Laws
EAN 9780674024069 33.04 USD -
Reasoning from Race: Feminism, Law, and the Civil Rights Revolution
EAN 9780674047594 43.97 USD -
Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law
EAN 9780674298743 36.44 USD -
In Defense of Women: Memoirs of an Unrepentant Advocate
EAN 9780807011485 19.63 USD