Tag - Palm OS
Nonlinear RF Circuits and Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzers: Interactive Measurement and Design Techniques (The Cambridge RF and Microwave Engineering Series)
EAN 9780521889957 137.03 USD -
Antenna Theory and Microstrip Antennas
EAN 9781439807279 119.95 USD -
MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems
EAN 9780123850553 108.67 USD -
Ultrawideband Radar: Applications and Design
EAN 9781420089868 148.08 USD -
Sensor Array Signal Processing, Second Edition
EAN 9781420071900 141.76 USD -
802.11 Security
EAN 9780596002909 29.75 USD -
Wireless Networks
EAN 9780071819831 122.72 USD -
EPC and 4G Packet Networks, Second Edition: Driving the Mobile Broadband Revolution
EAN 9780123945952 110.27 USD -
Wireless Security
EAN 9781578087686 76.73 USD -
Digital Communications Test and Measurement: High-Speed Physical Layer Characterization (paperback) (Prentice Hall Signal Integrity Library)
EAN 9780133359480 103.41 USD -
Wireless Technologies in Intelligent Transportation Systems (Transportation Issues, Policies and R & D)
EAN 9781607415886 114.00 USD -
Wireless Network Design: Optimization Models and Solution Procedures (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
EAN 9781441961105 199.96 USD -
The Divergent Dynamics of Economic Growth: Studies in Adaptive Economizing, Technological Change, and Economic Development
EAN 9780521830195 103.46 USD -
Palm OS Programming: The Developer"s Guide, 2nd Edition
EAN 9781565928565 63.59 USD