Tag - Alternative Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution and Lawyers (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314195746 185.25 USD -
The Little Book of Circle Processes : A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking (The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding Series)
EAN 9781561484614 4.71 USD -
International Conflict Resolution: Consensual ADR Processes (American Casebook Series)
EAN 9780314145888 184.00 USD -
Class, Mass, and Collective Arbitration in National and International Law
EAN 9780199772520 180.38 USD -
Anatomy of a Mediation: A Dealmaker\"s Distinctive Approach to Resolving Dollar Disputes and Other Commercial Conflicts
EAN 9781402418570 21.09 USD -
A is for Asshole: The Grownups\" ABCs of Conflict Resolution
EAN 9780986766602 19.99 USD -
Mediation: Practice, Policy, and Ethics
EAN 9780735544451 84.00 USD -
International Commercial Arbitration: Commentary and Materials
EAN 9781571051745 231.00 USD -
International Dispute Resolution: Cases and Materials
EAN 9781594609046 77.62 USD -
Principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution (Concise Hornbooks)
EAN 9780314149077 45.02 USD -
Marital Separation Agreements: A Guide for Non-Lawyer Mediators
EAN 9780578094397 17.05 USD -
The Standard of Review in WTO Dispute Settlement: Critique and Development
EAN 9781781002230 121.88 USD -
Mediation Law: Journey through Institutionalism to Juridification
EAN 9780415612944 124.42 USD -
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Academic)
EAN 9781423208778 4.70 USD