Tag - C & C++ Windows Programming
Programming Entity Framework (Paperback)
EAN 9781449312947 27.10 USD -
Programming C# 5.0: Building Windows 8, Web, and Desktop Applications for the .NET 4.5 Framework
EAN 9781449320416 58.65 USD -
Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference (O"Reilly))
EAN 9781449320966 13.56 USD -
MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-516): Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4
EAN 9780735627390 49.88 USD -
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (Mixed media product)
EAN 9780735626706 41.07 USD -
Professional C# 2012 and .NET 4.5
EAN 9781118314425 40.32 USD -
Entity Framework 6 Recipes
EAN 9781430257882 58.74 USD -
Programming in C (3rd Edition)
EAN 9780672326660 43.25 USD -
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Unleashed (2nd Edition)
EAN 9780672336256 40.56 USD -
ASP.NET MVC 4 and the Web API: Building a REST Service from Start to Finish
EAN 9781430249771 27.74 USD -
Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library
EAN 9780201749625 42.69 USD -
Pro ASP.NET Web API Security: Securing ASP.NET Web API
EAN 9781430257820 59.02 USD -
Pro HTML5 with Visual Studio 2012
EAN 9781430246381 58.15 USD -
More Effective C : 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
EAN 9780201633719 42.19 USD