Tag - Litigation
The Money Lawyers: The No-Holds-Barred World of Today\"s Richest and Most Powerful Lawyers
EAN 9780312205553 27.95 USD -
An Associate\"s Guide to the Practice of Copyright Law
EAN 9780195373479 160.88 USD -
Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion
EAN 9780198140849 142.69 USD -
Fundamentals of California Litigation for Paralegals, Fourth Edition
EAN 9780735587298 140.95 USD -
The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation (University Casebooks)
EAN 9781599414942 174.71 USD -
Betting the Company: Complex Negotiation Strategies for Law and Business
EAN 9780199846252 47.45 USD -
Civil Litigation: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island
EAN 9780137879380 83.00 USD -
International Law and Litigation in the U.S.: 2008 Documents Supplement
EAN 9780314198907 69.17 USD -
How To Handle An Appeal (Pli Press Litigation Library)
EAN 9780872241237 326.62 USD -
International Litigation and Arbitration (American Casebook Series)
EAN 9780314159175 198.90 USD -
Pretrial Litigation in a Nutshell, 5th (West Nutshell)
EAN 9780314273963 39.98 USD -
Trying Cases To Win V2 Direct Examination (Trial Practice Library)
EAN 9780735578005 165.00 USD -
The Expert Witness Handbook: Tips and Techniques for the Litigation Consultant
EAN 9781568601090 39.95 USD -
The Young Litigator: Tips on Rainmaking, Writing and Trial Practice
EAN 9781616329853 51.82 USD